Monday, December 24, 2007


Since I'm on vacation this week, it gives me time to see the family and catch up on my reading.

For those of you who like true crime books, I highly recommend "When Satan Wore A Cross". It is the story of the nation's first and only murder case that involves a nun and a priest. What makes it even more horrific is the fact that it occurred right here in Toledo, my hometown.

Growing up Catholic it is a little shocking to read how the Toledo Police Dept. helped the Diocese cover up and protect Father Gerald Robinson back in the 1980's when the murder of Sister Margret Ann Pahl took place in the sacristy at the Mercy Hospital chapel. The evidence was there to convict and yet Father Robinson went free.

It wasn't until twenty-three years later that the case was re-opened and Father Robinson was tried and convicted for the ritualistic killing of Sister Margret Ann Pahl. What makes it such an easy read is the fact that the author talks about places and people who are all too familiar to people living in Toledo.

If you get a chance, pick up the book and read about one of the most horrific crimes in American history.


Monday, December 17, 2007

America's Most Wanted

Gotta love finding old pictures in the attic!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Have you seen those people on Oprah that have to have numerous dumpsters brought to their home because they have so much junk that it disrupts their lives? Well today I just realized that Deana and I are...HOARDERS aka PACK RATS.

Still looking to move next year the first task is clean
ing out the attic. After 15 years of living in the same place you have a tendency to accumulate, as George Carlin would say "Stuff".

So today we decided to venture upstairs into the Feeback vault. It took me twenty minutes just to clear the stairway to get to the attic. But once I arrived here is what I saw:

Anybody want to come over and HELP!

SPECIAL NOTE TO KEVIN: If we die hauling this crap to Goodwill this will all be yours (more likely Gen's) but you know what I mean.

P.S. Now that we've posted BEFORE pictures of the attic, We will have to finish and post AFTER pictures.


Sunday, October 28, 2007


We loaned Kevin and Gen our digital camera to take to a wedding. Not only did they take it to a wedding, they also took it to Lollapalooza and Wrigley Field in Chicago. We got our camera back, memory stick full with 318 pictures. I told them I would create a slideshow for them to play on their DVD player. This has been done. But I decided to put a few of the really good ones online for all to see.

After watching the slideshow all I can say is ...THAT'S MY BOY!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ultimate Golfer Closeup

Now you can see my face a little better.

Does it look like me? Let me know.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


For a better view of my golfer, buy the game and let's play online.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Second Video Blog

Imagine if I had a REAL video camera!

Saturday, September 22, 2007



I know everyone is just DYING to know what I've been up to lately, so here is my second installment of Reading, Playing and Listening. Here we go!


A great read from one of America's premiere writers of mainstream fiction. It is the story of Timothy Carrier a mason who becomes entangled in a murder for hire scheme. In Koontz tradition there are many twists and turns along the way as his characters reveal hidden traits that the reader never suspects. Rating A.

Jack Knife is a first novel by Virginia Baker. It is a time travel tale involving Jack The Ripper. Researchers travel back in time and inadvertenty change the course of history in Whitechapel, England that has surprising repercussions involving Jack The Ripper. I just started this book, so I can't give it a rating, but anything with Jack The Ripper has to be good!


Lately I picked up Tiger Woods 2008 and Nascar 2008 for the Playstation 3. Both games offer terrific graphics as well as superior gameplay. The one thing I want to mention about Tiger Woods '08 is the new feature where you can upload a picture of yourself to use when creating a new golfer. Unfortunately, EA Sports was not prepared for the overwhelming response to this feature as demand crashed the site. I have my pictures ready to upload. Now it's up to EA Sports to get on the ball.


Three KICK ASS albums that will get you up off your feet and dancing, moshing or running on the treadmill at a ferocious pace.

Airbourne is straight up AC DC rock and roll. Favorite Song: "Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast".

Hanoi Rocks is a hair metal band reminiscent of Motley Crue. If you like The Crue, you'll love Hanoi Rocks. Favorite Song: "Hypermobile".

Five Finger Death Punch is exactly what their name implies. A blow to the auditory system of the most avid music listener. Formed from members of Motograter, this band is the one I like most out of the three. Vocalist Ivan Moody has the perfect hardcore voice able to switch from melodic vocals to gut wrenching screams at will. Favorite Song: "The Bleeding".

Ok, that's it for this month's READING, PLAYING AND LISTENING.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007


With only a video as a clue, I have deduced where Terry and Mandy are. If you stare out into the horizon in the video you can faintly see a small island in the background. It's the name of that island that gave it away.

NAW! I'm kidding! What gave it away was his Jaiku that said he was going to see NIN. Their schedule puts them in...are u ready?


P.S. I should be a detective.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


All you people who have OLD know who you are. Now is the time to upgrade.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Well it's Labor Day weekend and living in Toledo there ain't much to do. Should we go downtown and watch the parade? Nah! How about the Fulton County Fair? Nope! Go see a movie? Are you kidding? We've got enough movies at home to watch! Well that leaves only one thing left to do...


Here's a little concoction called "Whiskey Slushes". Even though I'm not much of a whiskey drinker like my son Kevin, these were fairly tasty and had some kick as well.

Here is the ingredients list:

2 small cans of frozen Orange Juice
2 small cans of frozen Lemonade
1.5 cups of sugar
4 tea bags (Lipton)
1.5 cups of water
2 cups of whiskey (Black Velvet)
7 cups of water

To start bring the 1.5 cups of water to a boil and insert the tea bags until dark brown. At the same time bring the 7 cups of water to a boil. In the pan that holds the 7 cups of boiling water add the rest of the ingredients including the 1.5 cups of tea and the 2 cups of whiskey. Stir until everything is thoroughly mixed.

Pour the above mixture into a 1 gallon plastic pitcher with lid. Stick in the freezer overnight and consume heartily the next day. If the drink is a little strong, you can fill your glass 3/4 full and then add a little 7-up or Sprite to take the edge off.

If you live in Toledo this is the best way to spend the Holiday weekend!

See ya!

Saturday, September 01, 2007


If you haven't checked it out yet, get on over to If you have a picture of yourself no smaller than 640 x 480 this website will transform you into a citizen of Springfield. You can take the transformation with a grain of won't be a perfect likeness, but you can still have fun modifying the end result.

Check me out as a Simpson character:

So get on over to the website and see what you'd look like as a Simpson character!

Friday, August 24, 2007


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I like to let you guys know what keeps me s
o bust that I don't update my blog as often as I should. So here is what I've been reading, listening to and playing:


This book is great! It's about a nineteen year old who is turned into a vampire by his girlfriend. To give you any idea what type of book it is the opening sentence is " You bitch! You killed me! You suck!"


Explosive new album from Still Remains. Great guitar work, awesome double bass pedal. Put this cd on and go workout. You will be pumped up!


And of course with football season here that means it's Madden time. This time it's on the PS3. The graphics are outstanding. The gameplay is great and as usual the soundtrack to the game is terrific. This year the newest feature is called Player Weapons in which each player has certain attributes and as coach it is your job to find the mismatches on the field. Give me a week of practice and I'm open to play online.

Well that's it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007



Thursday, August 09, 2007


With the success of "The Number 23" starring Jim Carrey, a sequel is in the works to continue the story of Walter Sparrow. After Walter gets out of prison, he decides to coach a high school hockey team. Everything is fine until the team gives Walter his official team jersey.

You guessed it...Number 23. Everytime Walter looks up at the scoreboard there is 23 seconds left to play. Every game his team has 23 shots on goal or the goalie makes 23 saves. It's obvious that The Number 23 is after him again. It will be interesting to see how he copes with this latest run in with The Number 23.

I can't wait!

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's that time of year again! Football season is nearly upon us and you know what that means...Fantasy Football. The name of the league is Grid Iron Maidens and the ID# is 332025 and the password is Boomer1. So go to Yahoo Fantasy Football and join a custom league, put in the number and create your team name and logo.

The rules are the same as last year and we will have a live draft on Sunday August 26th at 11:00 AM. That gives you two full weeks to do your homework and get your picks in order.

Just like last year the entry fee will be $25 and we will have 10 teams...hopefully. I believe everyone will be returning except for one player, but we will deal with that once everyone signs up.

If you have any questions...drop me an e-mail.

The Commish.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Kevin and Gen are in Chicago for Lollapalooza as well as a Chicago Cubs baseball game. The first picture he sent was of this HUGE mug of Guiness. Makes me thirsty just looking at it. I will post more pics as I get them.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Apparently this guy got a gig doing voice-overs from someone watching these videos. He has about six episodes on You Tube. I thought this was one of the funniest.

Thursday, July 26, 2007



Saturday, July 21, 2007



I got my copy at 12:10 A.M.

Friday, July 20, 2007


iPhone Hidden Features - Watch more free videos

Monday, July 02, 2007


Well I finally started watching the Showtime series "Weeds" and I love it. It's as captivating as "Six Feet Under" and "Lost". I just got Season number Two and things are really starting to get interesting.

I think part of my infatuation with this series is the music. The theme song in Season One "Little Boxes" by Melvina Reynolds makes me laugh every time I hear it. It will explain my recent Jaiku of "sitting in my box made of ticky tacky". In Season Two they decided to have a different artist do their version of "Little Boxes". It's good but not as hilarious as the original by Melvina Reynolds. To give you an idea what I'm talking about, click on this link: Weeds Music. Make sure you listen to the version by Melvina Reynolds first from Season One. I guarantee it will make you smile. Check out some of the other crazy songs from Season Two. I don't know where they find these songs, but it adds to the hilarity of "Weeds".


Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Good Cop, Baby Cop

Friday, June 22, 2007



2001 - 2007

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Gansta Happy Feet Remix

Add to My Profile More Videos

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Nearly forty years ago on June 1, 1967 The Beatles created the album that Rolling Stone Magazine named the #1 Album of all time. That album was SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND.

What makes this album so unique is that it was the first album after The Beatles decided not to tour anymore. They were going into the studio to write and record songs that couldn't be reproduced live on stage. They wanted this record to be groundbreaking
in it's technical expertise as well as lyrically. It helped that it was released during the "Summer Of Love", which was the apex of the drug culture in our country. The hippies deemed it the soundtrack to their lives.

To really appreciate this record, put on a pair of headphones and really listen to the number of instruments that were used in it's production. My favorite tunes are "A Day In The Life" "Getting Better" and "Lovely Rita". If you're not aware of it, at the end of "A Day In The Life" the final note struck on the piano lasts nearly a minute and a half. Also, John Lennon decided it would be fun to include a high frequency note that we humans can't hear, but if you own a dog they will definitely sit up and notice the high pitched ending.

So celebrate the anniversary of this great record by sitting on the floor and playing it from start to finish. It truly is a masterpiece of song writing and sound engineering.


Thursday, May 31, 2007


Samples from John Christ Winery in Avon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Video Game

Currently I am playing Resident Evil 4. I bought it at Best Buy for $20. It is now considered a "Classic". Typical first person shooter with some crazy genetic mutants running around a small European village. Next on the list is Shadow Of The Collossus. Another $20 dollar "Classic". After that, who knows? If I'm a good boy I just might get a PS3, and then I'll be playing Resistance: Fall Of Man.

I will let you know.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Check out the new features on the blog this week. I have streaming TV. You have to click on each of the knobs for a different station. The top ten videos from YouTube. The latest news from my favorite television series "Lost". I call it my one stop shop blog.

Please drop me a comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

911 CALL

Cop Calls 911 After Overdosing - Watch more free videos

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Check out the latest exhibit at the zoo we saw today. I believe the scientific name for this endangered species is: Nosmokus Anymor Inpublica.

Baby Polar Bears