Monday, July 02, 2007


Well I finally started watching the Showtime series "Weeds" and I love it. It's as captivating as "Six Feet Under" and "Lost". I just got Season number Two and things are really starting to get interesting.

I think part of my infatuation with this series is the music. The theme song in Season One "Little Boxes" by Melvina Reynolds makes me laugh every time I hear it. It will explain my recent Jaiku of "sitting in my box made of ticky tacky". In Season Two they decided to have a different artist do their version of "Little Boxes". It's good but not as hilarious as the original by Melvina Reynolds. To give you an idea what I'm talking about, click on this link: Weeds Music. Make sure you listen to the version by Melvina Reynolds first from Season One. I guarantee it will make you smile. Check out some of the other crazy songs from Season Two. I don't know where they find these songs, but it adds to the hilarity of "Weeds".
