Monday, December 24, 2007


Since I'm on vacation this week, it gives me time to see the family and catch up on my reading.

For those of you who like true crime books, I highly recommend "When Satan Wore A Cross". It is the story of the nation's first and only murder case that involves a nun and a priest. What makes it even more horrific is the fact that it occurred right here in Toledo, my hometown.

Growing up Catholic it is a little shocking to read how the Toledo Police Dept. helped the Diocese cover up and protect Father Gerald Robinson back in the 1980's when the murder of Sister Margret Ann Pahl took place in the sacristy at the Mercy Hospital chapel. The evidence was there to convict and yet Father Robinson went free.

It wasn't until twenty-three years later that the case was re-opened and Father Robinson was tried and convicted for the ritualistic killing of Sister Margret Ann Pahl. What makes it such an easy read is the fact that the author talks about places and people who are all too familiar to people living in Toledo.

If you get a chance, pick up the book and read about one of the most horrific crimes in American history.
