Saturday, November 17, 2007


Have you seen those people on Oprah that have to have numerous dumpsters brought to their home because they have so much junk that it disrupts their lives? Well today I just realized that Deana and I are...HOARDERS aka PACK RATS.

Still looking to move next year the first task is clean
ing out the attic. After 15 years of living in the same place you have a tendency to accumulate, as George Carlin would say "Stuff".

So today we decided to venture upstairs into the Feeback vault. It took me twenty minutes just to clear the stairway to get to the attic. But once I arrived here is what I saw:

Anybody want to come over and HELP!

SPECIAL NOTE TO KEVIN: If we die hauling this crap to Goodwill this will all be yours (more likely Gen's) but you know what I mean.

P.S. Now that we've posted BEFORE pictures of the attic, We will have to finish and post AFTER pictures.



Anonymous said...

Just dont throw my hockey equipment away I will take it to cleveland on thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

Can I have something?

Anonymous said...

Ebay, The Other's would.