Sunday, July 17, 2005

I'm talking to you ! Posted by Picasa

Well what you're seeing above is my latest excursion to a local island near Toledo, Ohio called Put-In-Bay. As you may surmise from the photo, the only real reason to go to Put-In-Bay is to imbibe large quantities of alcohol. The great thing about PIB is the fact that you get to drink a plethora of alcoholic beverages. My usual alcohol consuming itinerary starts with the winery.
Heineman's Winery has a nice wine and cheese garden where you can enjoy the outdoors while you slowly lose all feeling in your legs after two bottles of the local spirits. If you're really adventurous you can sign up for the tour which also includes seeing the world's largest geode. A geode is a crystalline formation deep within the earth. This particular geode is big enough to walk inside. I recommend doing this before sampling their wine. It's a long fall to the bottom of the cave floor.
Next on the itineary is a couple of vodka lemonades at the Gazebo while listening to the delightful tunes of Westside Steve, a regular fixture over at PIB. His song list usually includes a lot of Jimmy Buffett, Bob Seger and the ever popular Jim Croce. We love Westside Steve.
The highlight of the afternoon (that's right, I did say afternoon. We usually start around noon) is The Roundhouse Bar. That's where the above picture was taken. They have a live band and serve buckets of beer. Not glasses, but buckets! The picture of me is after I emptied some beer in the nearest restroom.
Now we are feeling no pain and have no inhibitions whatsoever. In fact most of the visitors to PIB have no inhibitions whatsoever. That's why I love it so much. You can buy beads to offer to the multitude of drunken females willing to bare their breasts to you. All you have to do is ask. Everyone is walking around drunk on their ass.
Now I don't own a boat, but I hear the best parties take place along the docks where you could have up to 10 boats docked together to form the world's largest party place. The music is blaring, the drink is flowing, and God only knows what's happening below deck. I guess I can only fantasize.
Well that's it for now. If you haven't been to the Bay, and you live in Ohio or Michigan, I highly recommend it. It's a lot of fun.

P.S. Leave the kids at home :)