Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted anything, but things have changed dramatically in my house since April. Our son,Kevin, finally moved out. He is 24 years old, attending the local university and pursuing his masters degree in excercise physiology. He is our only child and we are extremely proud of him. I thought his leaving would be a good thing: lower grocery bills, less screaming between him and his mother about his dirty bedroom, and just a little more sense of privacy. At least that's what I thought in the beginning.
What has happened is that the wife and I have turned into our parents. I migrate to my son's old room (which I have converted to my den, complete with home theater, wireless capable PS2 and my computer. I have no need to leave this room. Everything I enjoy is in this room. In the past, the wife and I focused on the boy. Making sure he had waht he needed to succeed, we forgot about each other's needs. Now we look at each other as if we were strangers learning about each other again. We've come full circle. We were alone at the beginning of our married life, and now we're back to that point again. It will take time, but we will learn to enjoy each other again.