Sunday, July 24, 2005


Alright boys and girls, it's time to change things up a little bit here at Tom's Trials. I've always wanted to keep a dream diary, but never had the vehicle to do it right. That was before I started this Blog. From time to time I will be posting my dreams for the entire information universe to see and possibly interpret. It might be fun...and it might be scary. Who knows? Dreams are your brain on vacation. It does what it wants and you can't stop it. So with that being said, here is last night's dream:

It starts on a beach toward dusk. It's me, my wife and my son enjoying a summer picnic on either a lake or an ocean, not really sure at this point. Anyway, as we are finishing up our meal, we are suddenly scared by the sound of multiple explosions all around us. I mean heart-palpitating, loud explosions. They seem to be coming from all directions. We jump to our feet and I do a 360 degree cinematic scan of the horizon. All along the horizon are fire-engulfed mushroom clouds. There isn't a spot where I don't see one. I have only one thought:


As we gather up our belongings, we jump into some decrepit automobile. I can't even tell you the make and model. It doesn't start, when I turn the ignition key. It just keeps turning over, but it won't start. My son starts yelling from the back seat, "Dad get us out of here!". I keep turning the key, but to no avail. Unexpectedly, another car pulls up alongside and offers us a lift. The driver of the car is a female that I don't recognize. She has a pit bull in the car with her. At first we hesitate, but then she tells us that he doesn't bite. We get in the car and leave the beach. The skyline is on fire and we'll all waiting for the heat of the sun to disintegrate us into dust from the nukes that were detonated all around us. The traffic on the street is chaotic. We have numerous accidents with crazy drivers fleeing in all directions. It's road rage to the tenth degree. We all keep yelling at our unknown host to keep going, don't stop.
After finally making it through the city, we nonchalantly pull into a McDonald's and eat lunch. We all order Happy Meals and compare the little toys you get with the meals. It was at this point that I woke up.
I would be curious to know what this dream means, so if you come across my little grain of sand in the huge beach of the digital universe, please drop me a reply and let me know what you think.
My dreams usually aren't so vivid as this one...unless I drink wine the night before. For some reason the power of the grape unleashes my unconscious imagination.

Until next time...DREAM ON!

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