Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Another Day,
Another Dollar $

Well another day, another dollar. I wonder who originated that phrase? It had to be someone who literally despised their job. I'm not saying I hate my job ... but I'd rather be writing, playing in a rock band or some other exciting line of work that makes me come home and say "Another Day, Another Smile" :)

Now that would be something.

I have to admit to you that I am the great procrastinator. As I'm sweating my dick off training a new route salesperson in 100 degree heat, I keep telling myself to write when I get home. Change your life...be somebody! Believe it or not, but I do have a novel in the works. However, when I get home I do everything but write. I'll play PS2, listen to music, read...but I don't write. I even subscribe to Writer's Digest. This magazine is full of useful tips and motivational articles designed to get you to just sit down and write. I read this magazine, but don't write.

One of the things WD states is that everyone is writing The Great American Novel. But the majority of those people never finish it. It sits in a desk drawer and slowly ages much like the would-be writer. My novel sits somewhere on my hard drive in a stagnant digital state.
Thanks for listening to me vent. Maybe sometime in the near future (when the muse hits) I will post a sample chapter of my Magnus Opus. Until then...

Stay Tuned !