Saturday, October 14, 2006


For fans of the movie Scarface comes a sequel in the form of a video game called "Scarface. The World Is Yours."

I have been playing this game for about a day now and it is awesome! Not only are you Tony Montana, the baddest dude that ever lived, but you get to blow away bad guys in an attempt to rebuild your empire that was taken from you in the movie.

The dialogue is the best. You actually get "balls" by taunting your enemies after you kill them. Tony will say things like "Fuck you, motherfucker" after he shoots you in the head or "You need an army to beat Tony Montana, asshole". It's great just listening to him talk. When you get enough balls, you can go into a "Blind Rage" in which you are invulnerable and your accuracy is unlimited. For everyone you kill, it increases your health as well.

You have to deal with Drug Lords, Gang Wars, the Vice Squad, and of course your enemy...Victor Sosa.

The soundtrack is great. A lot of celebrity voices. Just a great game. I recommend it to all.

Well, I gotta go. I've got some killing to do. Later.