Saturday, September 23, 2006


The boy treated me to a great concert last night; we went and saw Tool at The Palace. Tool is one of those bands that sound great on the cd and with headphones, but when you see them live they will flat out blow you away.

From the opening song "Stinkfist" to the closing song "Aenima" the band played loud and in synch with the most amazing light stage I have ever seen. On the large video screens overhead you watched the familiar surreal images that embody the Tool music videos. Scenes from some insane other world that only heighten the musical experience.

One of the great things about seeing a Tool show is wondering what their lead singer Maynard Keenan will be dressed as for the show. Unwilling to be out front in the spotlight, Maynard is content to sing at the back of the stgae alongside the drummer, usually portrayed as just a silhouette against a background of swirling colors or geometric patterns. It is an eerie sight to see him back there belting out strong rhythmic vocals gyrating to the heavy riffs laid down by the rest of the band.

If you have never seen Tool live I highly recommend it. It will stay with you long after the concert ends.

I'll leave you with their new video for "The Pot" one of my favorite songs off of "10,000 Days.:

Get this video and more at