Friday, July 14, 2006


Last night I went to my first Big Brother party. I have to tell you it was a lot of fun. It all started by having each of us put in five dollars. Then we drew names of the fourteen houseguests that we would be during the season and who would hopefully win this year's competition. If you drew the first person to be evicted (in this case it was Alison last night) you doubled your money. If you pull the name of the person to win it all, you win the pot. In our game we have twenty-eight people playing, two people per houseguest, so the pot is pretty big.

When the show came on everybody was gathered around the TV set cheering on their potential winning houseguest. Just to let you know, I came close to doubling my money right off the bat...I drew Danielle and she was on the block with Alison. Deana has Kaysar and might very well win the whole thing. It all depends on who from BB6 will be the biggest backstabber. You know they have to be thinking about that. It will's just a matter of when.

We were the hit of the party because we were the only one's who had signed up for the 24/7 live cam. We were telling everyone things that the prime time show didn't reveal. I thought for sure they would touch on Alison hiding in a pot for two hours to eavesdrop...but they never did. They also never showed the fact that Jase threw one of the POV rings toward Janelle, so she would win the POV. (Remember when she jumped out of the dumpster and then jumped right back in?) that was when Jase threw a ring her way.

The big question last night was about HOH. Will they have only one HOH from now on, or will they randomly select two? And what about America's choice? Will they vote Alison back into the house? That would definitely make it interesting.

Everyone agreed that the BB6 alliance is very strong, but don't count out Dr. Will and Mike Boogie. They realize that to win this game they have to break up that alliance. Right now they are sitting back and watching the other players. They don't want to put targets on their backs just yet. And what about Jase. He seems to be playing both sides of the fence. I think Janelle is beginning to realize this. Whenever she asks him his opinion on something, he always says " I don't know". He lets her become the target and not him. Pretty smart!

Who do you think will win it all? Post a comment and let me know.