Friday, April 28, 2006


For those of you who like to keep track of unusual coincidences and strange occurences, be prepared this year for an event that happens only once every century:


That's right. On June 6, 2006 it will be the only time that the mark of the beast will be reflected on our calendars. Now I know what you're thinking: will Satan himself re-appear on the planet? Will some kid named Damien be born in one of our local hospitals? Unfortunately, nothing so horrific is scheduled to occur on 6/06/06.

Instead there are a group of people who have proposed that we spend the day honoring one of metal's true icons:


Check out this site. Slayer Day. It will instruct you on how you should spend 6/06/06. For Slayer fans, it's how they spend everyday.

I may not spend 6/06/06 honoring Slayer, but on 6/30/06 I sure will be. I have tickets to see them in Cleveland with my son Kevin. The Unholy Alliance Tour is sure to be a great show. Too bad it wasn't on 6/06/06. That would be truly bizarre.

Anyway, crank up "Angel Of Death" and a little "South Of Heaven" in honor of Slayer; and remember to "dance with the dead in your dreams".