Sunday, April 23, 2006


Well I just watched "Hostel" last night and I won't be back-packing through Europe anytime soon; although Amsterdam looked like fun!

This movie is a chilling portrayal of society's demise. Money is king and you can buy anything for a price. Even the ability to torture another human being to the point of death, which is the premise of the movie.

I guess the only problem I have with the movie is the fact that if someone was using a blowtorch on my face (which they do in this movie) I wouldn't be screaming, I'd pass out from the pain. Or if someone took an electric drill and started looking for a stud over my entire body, again I would pass out before they got to the third attempt and ruin all of their fun.

What does happen during the torture is a lot of vomiting. I guess if we didn't see the vomit, the audience wouldn't know just how badly it hurts. Believe me, I've dropped things on my big toe before and thought I was going to pass out, let alone having someone cut it off with a pair of bolt cutters.

I guess in the movies no one goes into shock...except the customers when they see the price of tickets and concessions.

In "Pulp Fiction" one of my favorite lines is when Marcellus Wallace says "We're gonna get medieval on yo' ass."

"Hostel" shows you what he means.