Sunday, October 05, 2008

Birthday In Cleveland

Well it's October already and you know what that means...birthdays. Kevin's birthday is on the 5th and mine is on the 6th. So in order to start the celebrations, we traveled to Cleveland yesterday to celebrate Kevin's 28th birthday.

The day started out in a normal fashion with lunch at The Cheescake Factory. After lunch we went to Pirahni's Hockey store to get Kevin a new hockey stick ( does everyone know he is playing hockey again? and that he has lost 40 pounds?).

After Pirahni's, Kevin had to stop at the lab to do some work, so Gen, Deana and I went to little neighborhood bar called "Becky's". You wouldn't know it was called "Becky's" from the outside. All they have is a blue neon sign that says "Liquor". Kevin finally joined us and we decided to go see a movie. Since it was Kevin's birthday, we let him pick the movie.

Kevin picked the movie "Choke". "Choke is a movie based on author Chuck Pahluniuk's book by the same name. I personally am a fan of his work so I was curious to see how closely the movie emulated the book.

I was not disappointed. From the opening sex scene ( the main character is a sex addict) to the ending sex scene, all I could hear was Deana muttering under her breath "this is sick". I don't think Kevin intended on spending his birthday taking his mom to watch soft porn, but he did.

The movie was good and it was a perfect end to a perfect day. However, I don't think Deana will let Kevin pick the movie anytime soon.
