Friday, February 08, 2008

Reading, Listening and Playing 2008

With the weather outside being so crappy, I thought it was time I update the blog and let all my fans out there know what I've been reading, listening to and playing.

Let's start with reading. I love Chuck Palahniuk. He is the author of Fight Club and Choke. Everyone is familiar with Fight Club because of the movie starring Brad Pitt and Ed Norton. I just read the other day that they will be making a film version of Choke due out this summer. The reason I love to read his books is because of his eccentric characters. No one creates protagonists as bizarre and offbeat like Chuck Palahniuk.

His latest book is called Rant. It is the story of Buster "Rant" Casey, described in the book as the most efficient serial killer of all time. His story is told through statements made by his childhood friends, family members, enemies, and even old teachers.

Rant moves from his small hometown of Middleton where he becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing. On appointed nights participants recognize each other by special markings on their cars and then crash into one another.

Rant's saliva supposedly caused a massive outbreak of rabies in his hometown. These are just a few of the hilarious anecdotes told to the reader through his various aquaintances. If you've never read anythying by Chuck Palahniuk, I highly recommend him.

After I finish Rant my next book will be this one.
Duma Key by Stephen King. I'll let you know how it is in a future blog.

Here is what I've been listening to. First let's start off with Black Mountain's "Into The Future". I really dig the retro sound of bands like WolfMother. The only problem with Wolfmother is that the songs all kinda sound the same. Black Mountain starts out that way, but then something unexpected happened; they completely changed styles, but in a good way. If you're looking for something that rocks and then gets psychedelic, pick up Black Mountain's "Into The Future".

Another audio gem I discovered is a band called Red. Their debut disc "End Of Silence" is awesome. They remind me a little of early Linkin' Park, but not the rap stuff. It's hard to define their sound other then to say they "rock". "Breathe Into Me" has my vote for top track on the disc, but the whole album is pretty good. Go to you local record store and buy it (yeah right!)

On to the gaming portion of the blog. I recently watched "Reign Over Me" with Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle. In the movie the main character, who lost his entire family on 9/11, is fascinated with the video game "Shadow Of The Colossus". After the movie I realized that I had the game but never played it...till now. The premise of the game is for you to defeat each of the Colossus's so you can bring your dead loved one back to life. In the movie you never knew the connection until you play the game. Each Colossus is mammoth and you have to climb up on them and find their individual weak spot in order to kill them. It can be somewhat difficult because the Colossus will try to shake you off and you have limited gripping power so you have to be fast and efficient.

And of course when I purchased my PS3 it left me without the ability to play Guitar Hero. Well that is a problem I no longer have since I bought Guitar Hero 3 for the PS3, With a new wireless guitar and somewhat nimble fingers, I'm back to rocking out with the likes of Tom Morello and Slash. I love the guitar challenges where you have to defeat them in head to head competition. I'm afraid to play online (have you seen those videos on Youtube where some 8 year old plays the Dragonforce song on the expert level and gets a perfect score?) I don't need to be humiliated by an 8 year old kid!

Well I've prattled on long enough. Til next time...keep on blogging!