Thursday, January 31, 2008


Season 4 begins tonight.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


These guys really love their Whoppers.

Friday, January 11, 2008


January 12, 1957

January 12, 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Guess That Organ!

It's time to play a little game called "Guess That Organ". I developed this game because someone we know may have to have this mystery organ removed. Here is a picture. Can you "Guess That Organ"?

Kinda gross isn't it? If I had an organ that looked like that, I would want it removed too. Please leave your guesses in my comments section. I will announce the winner later.

P.S. You science types should have no trouble with this.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Here is a compilation of the top ten internet videos from Some are good and others are stupid. Let me know what you think.

Top 10 Internet Videos of 2007 - Watch more free videos

Saturday, January 05, 2008


With virtually nothing new to watch on TV because of the writer's strike, I'm really excited to see the return of one of my favorite shows: Lost.

The new season will begin on Thursday January 31st at 9:00 PM. Since it has been six months since anyone has watched Lost, I found this video clip that covers the first three seasons in a little over eight minutes.

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen all of Season 3 yet, do not watch this video.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Either I'm getting better at playing video games or they just aren't as challenging as they used to be. Case in point: Call Of Duty 4.

I got the game for Christmas and I just beat it. The graphics are outstanding and some of the game play is intense, like experiencing a nuclear explosion while in a helicopter trying to escape. I also liked the sniper mission where you are completely covered in grass and leaves for camouflage.

I have not played online yet, but I bet that is a lot of fun. I think with these heavy graphics games, the episodes need to be kept short in order to stay within a defined capacity on the disc.

So, either I need to get a life, or the programmers need to step it up.

P.S. I already beat "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" as well. But don't worry Kev, I won't play "Kane and Lynch" until I see you again.


The Top 12 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets

12. Have a torrid one-night stand with a street mutt.

11. Try to understand that the cat is from Venus and I am from Mars.

10. I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener.

9. Circulate petition that Leg Humping be a juried competition in major dog shows.

8. Call PETA and tell them what that surgical mask-wearing freak does to us when no one is around.

7. Take time from busy schedule to stop and smell the behinds.

6. Hamster: Don't let them figure out I'm just a rat on 'roids, or they'll flush my ass.

5. Always scoot before licking.

4. Grow opposable thumb; break into pantry; decide for MYSELF how much food is *too* much.

3. Get out of the castle more, maybe swim counter-clockwise this year.

2. January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock! January 2nd - December 31: Re-live victory over the sock.

and the Number 1 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets...

1. I will NOT chase the damned stick unless I see it LEAVE HIS HAND.