Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Well, Apple unveiled the new Iphone today. The device will incorporate a widescreen Ipod, an Internet browser, and a revolutionary cell phone. All functions are available through a touchscreen instead of traditional buttons.

The new Iphone comes in two versions: the 4gb which runs about $499 and the 6gb which
costs $599. This incredible piece of technology will be available June of 2007. Apple chose Cingular as it's cell phone provider. No word on whether you can receive discounts based on your plan. My gut feeling is...NO!

Well I'm here to tell you that through some inside sources and a lot of phone calls to people in high places, I was able to get my hands on an early prototype of the Iphone. And the best part is it only cost me $100. Take that Steve Jobs!

I have attached a picture of my Iphone. Eat your hearts out!

Well I hate to Blog and run, but I gotta make a phone call on my new Iphone.

Where do I put the quarter?