Sunday, December 10, 2006


Well there it is...the official Feeback Christmas Tree for 2006. After an arduous journey up the narrow and treacherous attic steps, I was able to secure her and bring her to the warm and safe confines of our living room.

This year was a little easier than in times past. The wife decided it was time to buy new lights and ornaments. What I heard was " less boxes to carry down from the attic". I was ecstatic.

We decided to go with an all silver tree this year. The wife went a little overboard on the ornaments...I think we could have decorated a second tree with all of the leftovers. Don't say anything to her, I don't want her getting any crazy ideas.

All that's left to do is to go out and buy the gifts that will sit at the base of the tree. As usual, we will wait until the last minute to do it. We Feebacks are big procrastinators.

For those of you wondering what yours truly wants for Christmas, I have written a short but detailed wish list:

1) PS3

2) 80gig Ipod

3) New Apple Italk Cell Phone

4) All of the James Bond Boxed Sets

5) Digital Camcorder (I'm just dying to post something on Youtube)

6) Lamborgini Gallardo

See, I told you it was short. So stop wasting time reading this blog and get out there and start spending money.