Tuesday, June 06, 2006


June is the time for celebration...especially if you are a Senior in High School. Because if you are a Senior in High School, you know that "Graduation Day" is just around the corner.

Since I don't personally know anyone graduating this year, I thought it would be nice to take a trip down memory lane and revisit some graduation pics from the past.


Here are some events from the year of 1990:

Iraq invades Kuwait. (Our first glimpse of Saddam)

The Hubble telescope is launched. (Cool Wallpapers)

Tim Berners-Lee invents "The Worldwide Web" (Thanks Tim. Without you I couldn't create this blog)

I don't see the invention of The Mullet, but apparently it was very popular :)


Here are some interesting things about 1993:

Waco Siege in Texas (Crazies in a Cult)

First World Trade Center bombing (you'd think we would get the hint about Al-Queda)

Intel introduces the microprocessor. (All Hail Intel...more speed please)

Those were the good old days. Hope you had as much fun as I did going down memory lane.

Till next time!