Sunday, June 11, 2006


In continuing my recognition of Graduation Day, I have two more entries:


Some interesting events from 1999:

Nelson Mandela steps down as the first black president of South Africa.

War erupts in Kosovo.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake kills more than 15,600 and leaves 600,000 homeless in Turkey.

The world awaits the consequences of the Y2K bug and the end of the world predictions.


The top stories from 1975:

North Vietnamese take Saigon thus ending the Vietnam War.

Soyuz-Apollo test flight (US and Soviet spaceships dock).

Altair introduce Altair MITS 8800, first personal computer.

Microsoft is founded.

The "Thrilla In Manila". Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier fight in Manila.

Alright, that concludes this edition of Graduation Day. Hope you enjoyed the experience.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006


June is the time for celebration...especially if you are a Senior in High School. Because if you are a Senior in High School, you know that "Graduation Day" is just around the corner.

Since I don't personally know anyone graduating this year, I thought it would be nice to take a trip down memory lane and revisit some graduation pics from the past.


Here are some events from the year of 1990:

Iraq invades Kuwait. (Our first glimpse of Saddam)

The Hubble telescope is launched. (Cool Wallpapers)

Tim Berners-Lee invents "The Worldwide Web" (Thanks Tim. Without you I couldn't create this blog)

I don't see the invention of The Mullet, but apparently it was very popular :)


Here are some interesting things about 1993:

Waco Siege in Texas (Crazies in a Cult)

First World Trade Center bombing (you'd think we would get the hint about Al-Queda)

Intel introduces the microprocessor. (All Hail Intel...more speed please)

Those were the good old days. Hope you had as much fun as I did going down memory lane.

Till next time!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


For those of you too young to remember, The Beatles had the Nation playing their records backwards in an attempt to discover clues about Paul McCartney's alleged death. For many it was the first time anyone had heard of the term "backmasking". "Backmasking" is the technical term for musicians who want to conceal a message in their lyrics by recording it backwards. In an effort to show some of the younger folks out there what it was all about, I stumbled upon this great site where not only are some of The Beatles songs showcased, but some songs that even I didn't realize had hidden messages. When you play these songs the effect is quite chilling. The site is set up to let you listen and view the lyrics in their normal state, and then you can play and read the lyrics backwards. Some of these hidden messages are intentional, and some have to be coincidences...or are they?

Check it out yourself at Jeff Milner's Backmasking Site. I guarantee you will be amazed at what you will hear.
