Saturday, May 13, 2006


Some of you may or may not know but in the last two months I've been trying to learn the ins and outs of Photoshop CS2. Nowadays you don't need to know how to use a camera. You can take the crappiest photo and remake into a work of art using Photoshop. So desperate am I to learn every aspect of this digital photography software, that I have subscribed to various podcasts including Photoshop TV and Photoshop Killer Tips in an attempt to learn what it can do. Posted here you will see some of the photos I've been working on. Some are fun and some are silly, but it's all in the name of creating art.


This was my first attempt at creating my own sig.

Here is an example of using layers to create a really creepy portrait.

Here is my first PSP wallpaper.

Here I am having a little fun at Kevin's expense. He tells everyone he's just a big panda!

Here's one that highlights a certain element of a photo. In this case it's the moon.

And of course you have to include something with Pamela Anderson. This is a photo that I converted into a "woodcut" photo.

Here is a desktop wallpaper I created featuring Hunter and Sierra. (Tonnie feel free to right-click and use as your own wallpaper).

The most interesting aspect of Photoshop is Imageready in which you can create animated gifs for use in Web pages. Stay tuned as I get more competent at creating animated pictures. I can have a lot of fun with those :)

So there you have it. My showcase of Photoshop pics that I created during my self-taught classes. Don't think I'm done yet, and careful what pictures you post on the web. I just may convert them into something humiliating and embarrassing.
