Sunday, May 28, 2006


Eerie resemblance to another Davenport photo I saw recently!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Nuff said!

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Some of you may or may not know but in the last two months I've been trying to learn the ins and outs of Photoshop CS2. Nowadays you don't need to know how to use a camera. You can take the crappiest photo and remake into a work of art using Photoshop. So desperate am I to learn every aspect of this digital photography software, that I have subscribed to various podcasts including Photoshop TV and Photoshop Killer Tips in an attempt to learn what it can do. Posted here you will see some of the photos I've been working on. Some are fun and some are silly, but it's all in the name of creating art.


This was my first attempt at creating my own sig.

Here is an example of using layers to create a really creepy portrait.

Here is my first PSP wallpaper.

Here I am having a little fun at Kevin's expense. He tells everyone he's just a big panda!

Here's one that highlights a certain element of a photo. In this case it's the moon.

And of course you have to include something with Pamela Anderson. This is a photo that I converted into a "woodcut" photo.

Here is a desktop wallpaper I created featuring Hunter and Sierra. (Tonnie feel free to right-click and use as your own wallpaper).

The most interesting aspect of Photoshop is Imageready in which you can create animated gifs for use in Web pages. Stay tuned as I get more competent at creating animated pictures. I can have a lot of fun with those :)

So there you have it. My showcase of Photoshop pics that I created during my self-taught classes. Don't think I'm done yet, and careful what pictures you post on the web. I just may convert them into something humiliating and embarrassing.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


It's official! The new PS3 will be available in North America in November. Many gamers have been anxiously awaiting this high-powered console. Originally scheduled for spring of 2006, technical problems pushed the release date back to fall. The price: $499 and $599. GULP!

Today at the Sony conference in L.A. the new revised controller was also unveiled. Goodbye boomerang. Hello Dualshock. The gaming community uttered a sigh of relief at the news. The proposed boomerang design left gamers with trepidation and loathing. Not only is the new controller more user friendly, but it will be wireless with the capability of re-charging as well as containing six motion sensitive gyroscopes that will respond to tilting of the controller. Imagine flying a plane simply by tilting the controller in the direction you want to go. I guess no more throwing the controller in disgust when you lose!

In addition to the new controller, each PS3 will come with it's own hard drive. There will be two versions: 20GB or 60GB. From what I've read it's worth the extra $100 to go with the 60GB version. A lot pricier than Microsoft's XBOX. The only advantage I see is that the PS3 is backward compatible and will play PS2 and PS1 games. In addition it is a HD Blu-ray disc player.

One cool feature is the ability to sync your PSP to the PS3 for use in games. Today in L.A. they demonstrated a racing game in which the PSP served as a rearview mirror to the car you are racing on the PS3. Holy Crap! How hard is that going to be for a 50 yr old like myself? I guess we'll find out.

I guess the guys from Microsoft said that there is no new innovation with the PS3 and that the XBOX has nothing to worry about. Not only is it cheaper, but it came out first and people are playing instead of waiting.

I think they're scared. The PS3 will dominate the console wars.

Guess what I want for Christmas?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

No More "Liquid Candy" in Schools

Ok, they finally banned soda pop from schools. I think the cartoon to the right will attest that it is the right thing to do. Besides the fact that it can lead to obesity, it also helps accelerate tooth decay. We not only have fat kids, but fat kids with cavities.

I wonder what effect it will have on performance in school. There have been many adverse effects of sugar one of which might be ADD and hyperactivity. We may not see the below cartoon coming true.

If you have stock in Coke or Pepsi, it might be a good time to sell. These school contracts are worth BILLIONS!

Now if we can just get guns banned, our schools will be perfect.


Friday, May 05, 2006


This editorial cartoon says it all! Everyone in America wanted to see Moussaoui sentenced to life in prison than to be put to death (which is what he wanted). Too bad he is at a Maximum Security prison in Colorado. It's the same prison that The Unibomber, Ted Kasinsky is at. Authorities claim Moussaoui will spend most of the time in solitary confinement. I was hoping to see him in the general population where he could experience 7200 hundred Bubbas! If the bull-queers in prison are as determined as I think they are, they will find a way to welcome Zacari-ass into the fold.