Sunday, January 08, 2006

It's been awhile since I've updated this blog. It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's just hard to find the time to just sit down and write my thoughts for you to see.

Well, the Holidays have come and gone and all I can say is "Glad it's over". I didn't really enjoy the holidays this year. For some reason the commercialization of Christmas just struck me as stupid and meaningless. We exchanged gifts with the enthusiasm of a coma patient. We just went through the motions and when it was all over, it didn't mean a thing. Maybe it's because I'm older now, or maybe it's because something's missing.

I remember when I was a child how excited I'd get for Christmas. The magic of Santa Claus ignited my wildest dreams and had me up around 4:00 am on Christmas morning. I ripped through the wrapping paper like a Tasmanian Devil. Each gift more rewarding than the last. Ah, to be young again.

Well I will try to be more timely on my next update. Til then ...keep on blogging!