Sunday, April 29, 2007


Putting on my cowboy boots and hat tonight. Going to my very first country concert. Martina McBride, Rodney Atkins and Little Big Town are appearing at the Seagate Center in Toledo. I promised the wife I would take her to a country show because she always sat home while me and the boy went to the head-banging, death metal, posh pit shoving, come home bruised rock shows. I'm don't know what to expect, so we went to Tres Amigos in Lambertville for some pre-concert warm-up margaritas (I hear it makes her clothes fall off ) we'll see.

What I'm really interested in seeing is what kind of crowd attends Country concerts. Will I have to watch where I step to avoid the puddles of chewin' tobacco, or will it be just regular folks looking to party. I know what a Toby Keith concert would be like, but Martina McBride...I will let you know.

Even though I don't know what to expect, We're going..."Anyway"!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


I wasn't sure how I would feel when my company announced that we were all getting Blackberrys, but I've got to tell you it was the best thing they've done in awhile. The model they got us is called The Pearl because of the white trackball in the center of the phone. It lights up upon use and does resemble a pearl.Not only can I surf the web, but now I can receive and send e-mails to all of my business contacts while out of the office. Now if my boss sends me a time sensitive e-mail, I can respond immediately via the phone. Who needs to go in to the office.

My old phone had a camera, but the resolution was shitty. With my new phone, I'm not afraid to take quality pictures. It can also play videos and mp3 files. I need to get a larger sim card before I pursue those options. I know it's no I-Phone, but what do you was free...