Saturday, March 31, 2007


I'd always heard that when you played Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of The Moon" and "The Wizard Of Oz" simultaneously it created a very psychadelic experience. Rolling Stone magazine did the work for us and gave us clips of each song synched up with "The Wizard Of Oz" video. Here is the one I think is the "trippiest". Let me know what you think. Is there really a connection, or is it the fact that "The Three Stooges" would have the same effect when you play Pink Floyd's music?

More "Dark Side Of Oz" videos

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Here is my first try on the ipod wallpaper contest. It won't win because it's not original content, but hell half of the ones they posted aren't original content. I just liked the pic and tied it into an ipod. Let me know your thoughts.


Version #2

Version #3