Thursday, September 08, 2005

Well, it's finally happened. Our son has started his new career. He will be moving to Cleveland and will be working at The Cleveland Clinic.

All of his effort in college is finally paying off. It took him awhile, but I have to give him credit he was not going to settle for a job that was not in his field of study. Not only will he be doing something he enjoys, but he will be doing it at the #1 hospital in Ohio. That is an incredible asset to one's resume.

Now the fun begins:

Apartment shopping in Cleveland.

A new wardrobe (I don't think they would take kindly to wearing cut-off T-shirts and gym shorts in the lab). This one will be tough. He has 21" biceps and a 20" neck. Try buying that off the rack!

Moving. That dreaded facet of life that everyone dreads more than the dentist. Let's face it...moving SUCKS! Having to rent a truck. Finding out who your real friends are by asking them to help you move.

Somehow we'll get through it. It's all a part of becoming an adult. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

We're very proud of Kevin and I know he will do a great job at The Cleveland Clinic. He has to! Who else is gonna take care of us when we retire :)